Media Features

Project Car Magazine featured Koji’s M30 in issue #13 during 2009.

This issue was the introduction of the Infiniti M30/ F31 platform and the potential to build it. Project Car Magazine took Koji’s unassuming M30 and documented the process of engine swapping the RB25det with MT while retaining a very factory look.  

The magazine had a huge impact on what was possible with this car. Since the magazine was under Primedia, it had more distribution and was found nationwide (and also reached international shores). 

For those purposes, this has become one of the most historic M30s in North America.

Scans: Project Car Magazine #13

Project Car Magazine continued with a small section in issue #14. 

It was the finishing touches and final thoughts on Project Leopard. 

Many people didn’t know they did a follow up. From what I was told, Project Leopard had so much content, they had enough material for the follow up. 

From what was printed, Project Leopard’s issue was very popular. 

Koji’s car was sponsored and was at a few events. 

Speedhunters snapped these pictures at Nisei in 2009.

In 2018, I showed my Infiniti M30 at RADwood. I didn’t think of it much as a tuner car, but RADwood’s whole theme is 80s and 90s cars, era correctness and doesn’t have to be modified. 

I was ecstatic to see that I got my own Japanese Nostalgic Car stamped pictures. Not a big deal to others, but for me, it was really cool. 


In 2019, I again went to RADwood’s Hoopticon and showed my car. I absolutely love RADwood events because it’s about the era and cars don’t have to be modified to hell. While there, I met a automotive journalist named Alex. He runs a website called Old Motors and he said he wanted to take pictures of my car. That was no big deal! 

October 2017, I went to the Fujinomiya all Japan F31 Leopard anniversary meeting. Kenta-san was the photographer and did a group photo. I did not know this was going to be in a magazine. 

In 2019, I was in Hakone for Carshop Friend’s leopard meeting. I missed the group shot in 2017, so this time, I don’t want to miss it. 

This was for 80’s Hero magazine.